About Me

Meet Raven

As an Empath and Starseed, I've always felt I wasn't from this planet, and longed to go home. I have always been intuitive and felt other's energies.

I started reading Tarot Cards when i was 13 years old. This sparked a reading and crystal passion that's spanned over three decades. I discovered my readings then unfolded with images and my guide speaking in my ear.

Life became interesting as I could read peoples thoughts and intentions. I read for friends and family and specialised in love particularly.

At a local spiritual church I was told that i was a healer and my soul path was spiritual. For a while I continued in various 3d careers, which looking back were designed to offer valuable life experiences for use later.

I became a Master Reiki Healer. Also learning Animal communication and healing . I found working with rescue animals super rewarding.

Eventually my 3d work and home life was dramatically pulled away. This tower moment was timed to ensure i took the leap of faith to begin reading and healing professionally.

I was given my spirit name and guided to move to Bournemouth. It soon became apparent why. After a serendipitious visit to a crystal shop, where i was handed a business card and told to visit Shirley Battie a well known Extra Terrestrial, Galactic author and
spiritual mentor. A lady that would change my life.

I learned to journey, meditate, and Channel Galactic beings and much more. My Light Language was activated and I began drawing light codes, and automatically writing.

Through my spiritual initiations I have experienced every kind of romantic situation and soul connection possible with multiple heartaches and lessons. This enables me to understand and guide you with your love and life issues. Trust that I have experienced many dark nights of the soul and found my way back to the light even stronger.

My soul purpose is to be of service to offer healing and guidance. I am also the holder of my own unique Amethyst Dragon Light codes to activate, elevate, clear and upgrade your DNA.

I look forward to working with you whether its via a one to one online or via email. I always work from the heart and for your highest good at all times. Much love Raven x